Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday: 10 PM

Good evening everyone. I'm sorry I haven't been posting much at all this week. It's been rather crazy. For one, I'm having to have my Dell laptop replaced thanks to Dell, who failed to put in a good backlight, so I could barely see anything on the screen. Anyway, the weather has calmed down a bit' to say the least, but that doesn't by any means mean it's going to stay that way. For one, a taste of Autumn weather is already on it's way, and will "breeze" over our area by this weekend. If all goes as planned, high temperatures both Saturday and Sunday will be around 80 degrees! What a nice surprise that will be. Obviously the further north you go, the cooler it will be. However, this doesn't appear to be a long lasting affect, but I do think the amount of 90 degree days we have left this year are very limited. 100 degree days are definately over, at least judging from the models. And given the pattern we are heading into, I can't see dangerous heat like we say in August occuring again. But one thing is for sure: we need rain! The Southeast continues in it's summer drought, and things aren't looking too bright either. While Chattanooga could get some rainfall this week, it doesn't look like much, and definately not drought busting amounts. And the models continue to show the drought continuing. And with La Nina developing, I am becoming very concerned that this drought may last through the winter as well. It may very well be until Spring when we get very heavy rainfall amounts, but that's aways off, and I don't want to speculate about what could happen then. I'm still gathering information for my Winter outlook, but I gotta admit, I'm still up in the air about it. Could be interesting, or it could be completely boring. But we'll see. Right now there are still some areas of interest in the tropics. I'll post a picture link with the latest info. But nothing at this time appears to be on the verge of becoming a least nothing strong. And the pattern could very well help the United States by steering away any tropical activity. So just continue to hope and pray that we get out of this drought shortly. Tomorrow, I'll give a weekend snapshot (because it does look wonderful!), along with more information on what it to come. In the meantime, hope that the model below is right! The 18z is actually showing some decent rains around here as I just checked them, however, I don't have much trust for these runs. They tend to be less accurate because the instrument data from balloons, etc. isn't inserted into them.

And here is the latest Hurricane information you can get. Remember, you can always click on it to make it larger.

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